Thi My Lien Nguyen images
Thi My Lien Nguyen
on Food for the Dead & Transforming Family Rituals into Communal Feasts

Published on Jul 24, 2022

Thi My Lien Nguyen talks to us about Viet-Lao identity, the Vietnamese diaspora in Switzerland versus France, Germany, and the U.S., the types of dishes she cooks to honor the dead, working with folklore and foodways, and starting Mili’s Supper Club. Plus, Swiss cheese, chocolate cake, the different funeral processions in Indonesia, and more!


Thi My Lien Nguyen is a Swiss-Vietnamese lens-based artist, supper club host, and food artist working and located in Winterthur, Switzerland. Her image-making practice, often using ethnographic methods, are focused on issues of identity, migration, diasporas and the communities. She questions mechanisms, dynamics, and processes within families and trans-cultural communities.  Her interest lies between the fine line of documentary and photographic art. She focused her work on issues of identity, migration, diasporas, and the communities.  Her projects include ‘Mời, mời,’ in which she interprets the diverse experiences of secondas and secondos, and ‘Hiếu thảo – With love and respect,’ in which she connects the past & present of navigating and negotiating Vietnamese heritage and Swiss culture with the maternal lineage of her family.


IG: @myliennguyen


Twitter: @myliennguyen


IG: @milissupperclub